UNIX admin wrote:

> This is piece of cake stuff. Normally all of this is set up during
> the install, if you chose not to do so, then it's all in all 45
> seconds to enter the interace names in /etc/hosts and create the
> corresponding /etc/hosname.e1000g[0-n] files. You might be
> experiencing a hardware or an IRQ problem, BIOS settings might be
> incorrect, and so on, and so forth.

I know it's "piece of cake stuff", which was why I didn't understand why
it didn't work.

It turned out to be a bizarre hardware issue - I have one or more bad
disks or bad ports on my PCI-X SATA card and that was killing the NICs.

Once I'd removed the offending disks from offending ports (still not
sure which was the problem) the NICs were discovered and configured


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