
I don't read this alias normally, but I was pointed to it by folks.  I'm also 
using JIVE to read this one instead of my normal e-mail.

Punchin started its life as a test-tool for Solaris IPsec and IKE during the S9 
bringup of IKE(v1).  Punchin is different than other remote-access solutions 
because it doesn't augment IKE to perform user authentication and 
internal-address deployment.  If one were to put the all-seeing packet sniffer 
(with a small amount of client and server observability, too) between a punchin 
client and server, you'd see something like this:

    * IKE Phase I (self-signed certificates)
    * IKE QM for diagnostic ping
    * ESP-protected ping
    * IKE QM for UDP port 2112 for setup (maybe TCP coming soon)
    * ESP-protected UDP port 2112 exchange
         - Request
         - Challenge (e.g. "Password" or Token-card challenge)
         - Response
         - Failure or Success(with internal IP address)
    (client then rewhacks routing tables and plumbs an ip.tun0, server plumbs 
an ip.tunN)
    * IKE QM for Tunnel Mode, internal-local==previously-asssigned, 
    * ESP-protected internal traffic.

Once we got NAT-Traversal working and we discovered cisco wasn't going to do an 
Sol x86 client, punchin took on a life of its own within Sun.  We've also found 
bugs in other IPsec implementations while attempting to port punchin to those 

Punchin's nice because it's just a set of scripts and one binary application 
(two if you're using MacOS X) that control the OS's built-in IPsec 
functionality.  Most "VPN clients" require kernel modules that have varying 
levels of stability or rely on undocumented or unstable interfaces.  You'll 
never get a kernel panic with punchin unless your OS is broken (which is why 
punchin is such a nice test tool for Solaris/OpenSolaris).

We haven't open-sourced it mostly because it's not Team IPsec's day jobs.  One 
idea we've been kicking around is putting the source in /usr/demo ala. the 
DTrace or MDB examples.  Nothing we do in punchin is encumbered (even though 
our IKEv1 is encumbered w.r.t. source only), so it's just a matter of time and 
resources, something we're short on with Labelled IPsec and IKEv2 + RFC 430x 
coming up.

BTW, our IKEv2 will be open-source, and if you hang out on networking- or 
security- discuss we'll have something to say there soon.  Also, IKEv2 has the 
IKEv1 hacks baked-into the spec, so punchin's functionality could (and probably 
should) be subsumed by a decent IKEv2 implementation.

Does that answer everyone's questions?

Dan McD.
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