Alan DuBoff writes:
> >> Paul Jakma had PSARC 2007/609 approved for Alpine.  I don't know the
> >> current status of it, though.
> And BTW Jim, this is exactly why I believe we need a seperate repository 
> hosted outside of Sun and in the community.
> This PSARC case was filed back in October of 2007. We are 7 months from 
> the time of PSARC and the package has not been putback yet. I'm not trying 
> to belittle Sun for the time it takes, I know very well why it takes so 
> long for this stuff.

I think you're conflating multiple things.  The time between when the
ARC case is done and when the integration occurs is anywhere from a
day to years.  Delay could be for any number of reasons, and you
_cannot_ infer anything from such a delay.

In this case, no extra repository would have helped.  The problem was
that the person working on the package in question had other
commitments.  You could find this out by asking the people involved.

Extra repositories won't add hours to the day or cause developers to
grow extra hands.

> We can't have this type of barrier to entry for our community. We will be 
> doomed to failure, IMO, just because we will not be able to keep up with 
> the other open source communities.

I think you're entirely misreading the situation.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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