Jesse Lehman writes:
> > Make for what? What are you building, and why does it have a
> > hard-coded path to /usr/sfw/bin?
> I believe that vurte is trying to build ndiswrapper per the instructions at 

Ah, ok.  The makefile there hard-codes that path, among several

It looks like the software _assumes_ a fairly full install, something
that you don't get with the current OpenSolaris Live CD.  I'd suggest
reporting the problem to either the Indiana project team or to the
Laptop community.  They're the two that are going to have to work this
out.  The two projects involved have not resolved the architectural
dependencies, so they're just not compatible with each other.

(Having to build a custom driver from source code is mildly
frightening ... but, then, running Windows drivers in the Solaris
kernel trumps that one.)

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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