Hi Mark,

which ThinkPad? wpi0 could mean T60 or R60, both I know and both work
well for me and my friend. Could we go off this list and discuss it
directly, please?

Best regards,


Mark Kaiman píše v Čt 05. 06. 2008 v 06:49 -0700:
> I installed OpenSolaris on my ThinkPad a couple of weeks ago, and I have 
> never been able to get it to work. The wpi0 and e1000g drivers just dont 
> work. I have posted on these forums and on usenet and received some 
> suggestions. I have tried every possible combination of wired and wireless 
> internet. WPA, WEP and no encryption. Let the cable modem reset to a new MAC 
> address. Enable NWAM. Disable NWAM. Endless restarting NWAM. Endless 
> wificonfig connect commands. NOTHING WORKS. I just have to conclude that 
> OpenSolaris isn't ready for prime time and wait for the next release. In 
> contrast, I put SLED 10 on the same ThinkPad and it works fine. Full 
> connectivity. I really want to use Solaris and I wish someone could convince 
> me otherwise. Sun could do a better job supporting people who want to use and 
> enjoy their OS.
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