I installed 2008.05 on a new machine, upgraded to snv_98.
Now I'm trying to convert to static IP.

I disabled svc:/network/physical:nwam and enabled
svc:/network/physical:default.  I went to System > Administration >
Network.  It doesn't show *any* interfaces.


I rebooted.  No help.

I created /etc/hostname.iprb0 with my IP address.

I rebooted.  No help.

ifconfig -a looks fine, but there's no default route.
Ok, I can do "route add default" and now I have a default route.

But I can't lookup internet addresses, so I copy nsswitch.dns to
nsswitch.conf and that works.

But I'm putting all this together by hand, and I never had to do this on
any of the other OpenSolaris machines I've installed.  Why isn't the
Network admin GUI working to allow me to configure the network?

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