Bill Shannon writes:
> James Carlson wrote:
> > Is there still a problem here in the networking component itself
> > (other than the GUI)?  If so, I'd like to help solve it.
> No, after configuring it all by hand, networking is working fine.
> The question is, why didn't the GUI find the interface?  Is it
> something about this interface on this machine?  Or is this version
> of the GUI broken?  I know, this is not the place to ask these
> questions.

Honestly, I don't know anything about how the GUI works internally.
Yes, this isn't the right place.  Maybe Darren Kenny (one of the leads
on JDS) is lurking, but I doubt it, as this is a mailing list with a
very low S/N ratio.

> > It should not take much cleverness to make this happen.  Unless the
> > DHCP server is broken or the address space is overcommitted, you
> > should get the same IP address every single time.  That's by design.
> That hasn't been my experience.  It often happens, but not always.
> Maybe it only changes if the machine has been down for awhile.

I guess I don't know how to help with that.

It's certainly been my experience, but, then, I discard or disable
equipment that doesn't work right.  Sun's DHCP server does a fine job
with this -- you can leave a machine off for years and, as long as the
server hasn't run out of addresses and been forced to reassign that
one, it'll give you the same address back.

> > And if you really want a specific one, then nailing that address to a
> > specific MAC address or client ID is pretty easy with most decent
> > servers.  It's usually just one command.
> I was able to do that with a newer Linksys router, but the one I'm using
> now is older and it doesn't seem to have that capability.


> $ ifconfig -a
> lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 
> index 1
>          inet netmask ff000000
> iprb0: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 
> index 2
>          inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
> lo0: flags=2002000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,VIRTUAL> mtu 8252 
> index 1
>          inet6 ::1/128

There's nothing too surprising there.

Bill Shannon writes:
> James Carlson wrote:
> >> I am *so* sorry I upgrade to snv_98...
> > 
> > I don't see how that relates to the previous poster's note about
> > snv_100.
> I had snv_86 working quite well on two machines and I was very happy
> with it.  Since upgrading those machines and installing snv_98 on
> another machine (the one that started this thread), I've found quite
> a few things that are worse than snv_86.  When I point out the problems,
> they're all expected to be fixed in snv_100 or snv_101 or snv_102.  I
> just feel like I upgraded too soon.

For what it's worth, I update on every single build.  There are things
that do break, but this is a low-breakage area.  (High-breakage, at
least for me, are X Window System fonts.  Maybe I'm just unlucky with
them, but they seem to be random.)

> I just tried the GUI on another of my snv_98 machines and it seems to
> be working fine.  At least, it finds the interface.  So maybe it's
> something peculiar about the original machine or the interface on that
> machine that's causing the problem?
> You don't suppose it's confused because the interface name is 4 characters
> (iprb) instead of three (nge)?

Looking through the truss output on /usr/bin/network-admin, it appears
that it invokes '/usr/sbin/dladm show-link -p'.  I think that means it
may have been broken by the integration of CR 6722523 in snv_96.  I
don't know why that hasn't been addressed in GNOME.

(The output format of that command changed incompatibly in that fix.)

The RE on that CR might know more about the issue.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive        71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
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