Martin Bochnig wrote:
> Sun *is* talking to the community, simply because they consider
> themselves (their exclusive employees) to constitute the "community".
> So YOU or I have no right to complain.
> See my distro generator, THEY DON'T CARE.
> NO INTEREST whatsoever.
> 0xFF other examples.
> I'm a stupid developer and sysadmin who had believed in the propaganda.

You are not a stupid developer, a bit errant in presentation perhaps, 
but you should be commended for your efforts no doubt.

With that said, what you have stated simply isn't true.

 From day one of my involvement in the OpenSolaris community as an 
external contributor, those members of the community that also *happen* 
to work for Sun were helpful and have always listened.

I've found that, in general, if you present your points in a reasonable 
fashion or have a legitimate concern, you'll get a reasonable response.

Any member of the community has an equal voice within the bounds of the 
governance of this community.

What some of the corporate sponsors for the community choose to do with 
their products and trademarks is their rightful decision and community 
members should not expect to have control over them.

As Belenix and Nexenta (and others) have proven, if time is spent 
producing great things rather than simply wishing that they occurred, 
success can be achieved.

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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