On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:41 AM, Amitava Dutta<amit...@computer.org> wrote:
> Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?
> asks Steven J Vaughan Nichols in ComputerWorld.
> People outside of IT seldom think of Oracle as a Linux company, but it is. 
> Not only does Oracle encourage its customers to use its own house-brand clone 
> of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Oracle Unbreakable Linux, Oracle has long 
> used Linux internally both on its servers and on some of its desktops. So, 
> what does a Linux company like Oracle wants to do with its newly purchased 
> Sun's open-source operating system, OpenSolaris? The answer appears to be: 
> "Nothing."
> Sun, Oracle and third-party sources are telling me that OpenSolaris 
> developers are afraid that they'll be either moved over to working on Linux 
> or let go once the Sun/Oracle merger is completed. Other Sun open-source 
> managers have expressed concern that their jobs may disappear once Oracle has 
> acquired Sun.
> This can't come as much of a surprise. Edward Screven, Oracle's Chief 
> Corporate Architect, said last year, ""Oracle definitely runs on Linux. We 
> have very few servers in our infrastructure that are not Linux; that support, 
> you know, internal IT systems, very few. And even the ones that continue to 
> exist are on a plan to be phased out. So we definitely run our business on 
> Linux. In fact, I mean, our entire IT infrastructure is Linux, our entire 
> development infrastructure as well. So, you know, our development platform is 
> Oracle Enterprise Linux. Our test platform is Oracle Enterprise Linux."
> ....
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/is_oracle_getting_ready_to_kill_opensolaris

Sure, Sun's top-management lets everything down while agreeing to any
takeover. They should have continued in trying to rescue Sun and to
SOMEHOW keep it independent. I'm not a Sun employee. But I can imagine
how disappointed they - we - all must be!
However, read Ben Rookwood's comment to above article:

... Read More
OpenSolaris will NEVER DIE OUT.
Nor will MySQL or VirtualBox or Java! We will just not let this
happen!!! Period. I am very confident about this. And this only
apllies to the worst case of cases, if Oracle really dares to lay-off
Sun's best engineers. While they should really think about it twice,
before attempting to do so. It would be a clear and obvious breach of
trust / their word. And the UNIX community will make Hamburgers out of
them! So, let's hope the best.

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