It is extremely annoying that journalistic hacks attack something they know 
nothing about. I was considering putting a blog post out about it, but decided 
not to in the end as it's just a waste of time and Ben already go there before 

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Virtualization Architect and Consultant

----- Original Message ----
From: david <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:54:03 AM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?

Is Oracle getting ready to kill OpenSolaris?  Nope.  

If Oracle means to "kill" OpenSolaris, what could they actually do?  They could 
fire all the Solaris people and stop all corporate funding, sure but are they 
going to do that, no.  

The dude who wrote that article clearly is a big IBM fan and he even wrote an 
article about why it would have been better for IBM to get Sun than Oracle.  If 
IBM had gotten Sun you can bet Solaris would be toast; as would Sparc, Star 
Office, Java as we know it and anything else that was distinctively Sun.  With 
Oracle we will see the continuation of all of these.  Will Solaris be important 
to Oracle?  I don't know but it only makes sense that they would try to make 
money off of it rather then kill it.  

I am now a Solaris user, or rather an OpenSolaris user.  I am finally away from 
Windows and using an OS that I can get along with (God surely knows how much I 
could not get along with Linux).  Even if Oracle kills Solaris, that will not 
stop me from using it.  The CDDL even says as much.  You have Belenix in India, 
Jaris in Japan, Schillix in Europe, and half a dozen others that are all taking 
advantage of OpenSolaris technology and building operating systems out of them. 
 Oracle couldn't kill Solaris if they wanted to at this point.  Perhaps main 
development will move out of the US but development will go on.  

With all the clear advantages that Solaris has over Linux the only way that 
Oracle could stop Solaris from eventually overtaking Linux and eventually 
Windows is to GPL it.  That would be the only way to kill OpenSolaris.  If they 
GPLed it, then the Linux guys could copy it directly into the Linux kernel 
(Linux is really just a Solaris copying thing anyway).  If that happened, all 
the development would move to Linux and the new "unified" system.  

As it is now I like that Linux has their ground and here with Solaris we have 
our ground.  Linux is junk, and I am sorry if that offends people but it is and 
if something breaks then it could not possible be the developer's fault.  It 
must always be the user's fault.  I hate that about Linux.  I know that it is a 
volunteer project but even if you volunteer take the blame if you write bad 
code.  Linux will always be a pre-beta/ beta at best.  It will never be ready 
for my computer because they don't weed out bugs the way they should, not even 
with Ubuntu.  They expect you to have a Ph.D. in computer science to use their 
OS.  That is asking too much of me.  Solaris doesn't ask that of me.  I install 
it, it works, I move on with my life.  Not so with Linux.  With Linux you have 
to dedicate several hours of your free time everyday to making sure you OS 
continues to work.  That is asking too much of anyone.  

Solaris works and works great.  If Oracle has any sense then they will put all 
their Linux resources into Solaris and make money with it.  Because Linux is 
always playing catchup and always trying to do the same thing but without 
violating copyright, it will always be convoluted code.  I don't like that.  
Solaris works, I want Solaris and if Oracle wants money then they should 
realize that there is a market of people who will pay to get Solaris.  We have 
a winner here.  

I would gladly pay $200 or $300 to get Solaris 11 when it comes out as long as 
it has the IPS, all the goodies that are now in SXCE and I get customer 
support.  Is that too much to ask.  If they work out a deal, they probably 
could include the Fluendo codecies and DVD player for just a little more so 
that we don't have to buy it on the side.  If Oracle doesn't see that they 
could make money with this I sure hope they don't get mad if someone else comes 
along and takes this exact formula and make millions with it.  Linux would be 
so jealous, they would probably accuse them of some evil or another for making 
a profit.  

Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant attacks on Solaris?
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