On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Jensen Lee <hayd...@haydude.org> wrote:
>> I doubt you'll find any vendor who'll promise the
>> video card you buy today
>> will be supported in new OS versions coming out ten
>> years from now.
> True, but as a consumer I have a choice to buy the video card that has open 
> drivers, at least for x86.
> --

FYI: The 3dlabs cards are not open-src supported on / by *any* OS,
including Linux and BSD*. There were binary only Xorg ddx modules for
Linux x86, but that was it.
XIG offered some accellerated drivers for Solaris, but $$$ and closed.
They did not use Xorg though, but their own proprietary server derived
from 6.8.0 .

Forget the wsfb "support" on BSD*, which does not actually deserve this name.
Although you are right, that it is better than nothing. Ok: That's why
I tried to get it working on Solaris. But it closely depends on
wscons, which is not what we have as console driver on Solaris. Alan
ported as much of wsfb to OpenSolaris, which has been possible. But
this was not enough (without wscons) to get the 3dlabs cards into even
only framebuffer Xorg gfx mode.

So: Instead of complaining, either install Xsun from SXCE on
OS200yy.mm, or buy one of the officially Sun-Xorg supported cards, or
one of the community supported ones (#0).

(#0) http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+fox/SPARC-Xorg

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