Jensen Lee wrote:
Windows 7:   Requires at least 1Ghz CPU, 1 GB RAM,
MacOS "Snow Leopard": only supports Intel Macs - no
WinXP?   That is hardly the latest Windows - I doubt
that machine runs Vista
or Windows 7.   You'll be able to run Solaris 10 for
many years to come on
your workstation - that would be similar to running

True, however my WinXP laptop that I use only to browse the Internet from the 
bathroom runs the latest version of Firefox. Something that appears to be hard 
business for a Unix/Solaris/Linux workstation! To get the latest Firefox you 
have to upgrade the whole system. And that of course applies to several other 
applications, not just Firefox.
Be careful in your assumptions there.

You confuse having depository/repository access to a program, with being able to install the program manually. Remember that Windows (any flavor) doesn't have software repos - this is a feature that Linux/OpenSolaris has above and beyond that of Windows.

Yes, WinXP will run the latest Firefox. So will Solaris 10 (for that matter, Solaris 9, as well). For that matter, you should be able to trivially install it on a Linux as far back as 1999. In all cases, you'll have to download the installer from and install it yourself. Very rarely with Linux and extremely rarely Solaris do you need to update anything else to get a new program installer to work.

What OpenSolaris (and Linux) aren't going to do is keep refreshing old release repositories indefinitely. So, at some point, you lose the ability to use the nice OpenSolaris/Linux software installer tool to get the latest version of <programX>. It can hardly be any other way.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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