Mauro M. wrote:
>>> If they do how can they have an interest into non
>> disclosing information on old and no longer
>> commercially exploited technology? 
>> That's their right to determine, not ours or yours.
> This is arguable. As a consumer I have the right to use the hardware I 
> purchase in whatever way I see fit and without limitations. 

>From a legal standpoint, it is not arguable under current laws.
I understand you disagree with it, and I don't argue with that,
but Sun has to follow the law, not consumer opinion.

> Moore's law has accelerated the aging of technology consumer products, 
> however in real terms I would expect any goods I purchase to be usable for 
> more than a decade.

No one has said that your hardware will be unusable or unsupported.
It will remain usable and supported with the software it was sold
with and in most cases, a number of newer versions of that software.

Sun is just not promising to make all future software releases
support that hardware - you got what you paid for, you're just
not getting upgrades to improve that any more (whether free or sold).

> If a vendor decides to no longer support a product, he should be forced to 
> disclose the information necessary for the consumers to continue to use their 
> product, and any IP and licenses made void and unenforceable.
> I hope that this will be clarified by future legislation, and I am confident 
> that in Europe this will happen sooner or later.

Sadly, I believe that if such legislation somehow managed to make it
past all the lobbying of the technology & media companies, the most
likely result would be a lot of products no longer being sold in Europe,
or companies finding other loopholes such as shutting down all their
European offices, and only selling via third party importers,
so they wouldn't be subject to such laws.

        -Alan Coopersmith- 
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

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