Masayuki Murayama wrote:
Masayuki Murayama wrote:
Let me know if you need anything, testing, info,

sorry for late response. I was busy in this week.
I need the mac version of your nic, because realtek gigabit nic family has many
variants which are identified by mac versions.  So, I'd like to know the
mac version of  your nic to make a right patch for your nic. Please let me
know the output of kstat -m rge.

From the kstat output he sent me:

        mac_ver                         1006632960

        xcvr_id                         1886482

Thank you very much, John.
1006632960 is 0x3c000000. Recently the behavior of rge with the mac_ver
of rtl8168 has been changed because of the bug fix for CR 6892693, which I
worked for.


The NIC on my system is also a dual port RealTek with the same mac_ver:

   mac_ver                         1006632960

However, I have not seen the same hang issues. Does this new driver fix
a hang issue specific to this chip or is just the current multicast fix from
the FreeBSD driver?

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