> I may be incorrect, but when I watched the webcast
> and they had the graphics displayed showing the
> hardware line and Oracle VM working with Logical
> Domains, etc., they had the x86 hardware.  I'll have
> to look again, but they had three blocks for
> operating systems on top which were Solaris, Linux,
> and Windows.
> I know in another slide they listed OpenSolaris and
> had the website, but I honestly don't believe they
> will continue development of OpenSolaris which has
> mostly been developed on x86.  For quite some time
> there wasn't a Sparc install and then you needed AI.
> Now a text installer for Sparc has been released,
>  but it is late.
> Oracle isn't going to put tens or hundreds of
> millions into OpenSolaris when they announed they are
> going to spend more on Solaris development than Sun.
> And there are many things in OpenSolaris which are
> not enterprise ready and it would cost a lot of
> money and time to get OpenSolaris to the point of
> being ready for enterprise data centers.  AI.
> Caiman.  Zones.  Network Auto Magic (default).
> Especially when Oracle spends millions on Linux,
> why spend more money for another x86 OS when Solaris
>  isn't used much on x86?
> There are a lot of good innovations in OpenSolaris
> which can be used in the next Solaris release, but 
> I just don't see OpenSolaris being able to survive.

While a good chunk of this sounds realistic to me, I have to disagree with the 
comments abiout Zones and Solaris on x86.

Zones are used widely in S10, in production on many sites in "enterprise" 
solutions, and from experince the use of zones out numbers the use of LDoms by 
a long way.

Once people get used to the idea of zones, and apps companies get on board, 
they start to be used widely (on Sparc an x86). Oracle sits well in zones (IMO).

The worst part about Solaris on x86 is having to deal with BIOS :-)
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