As much as I like OpenSolaris, I just migrated my FreeBSD (RockSolid) 
infrastructure to opensolaris with ease: Tomcat, CAS-SSO, OpenLdap, Bind, 
apache2, CIFS, Postgresql ... I think it is a mistake to design OpenSolaris as 
a desktop first, Sun always shine on the server side.

I earned my living on Sun's, managing servers from SunOS3.x - Solaris10 now, 
I'm into architecture and project management. As far as low-end servers Sun has 
been tossed big time and MANY companies are getting away from Huge 

ZFS is a technological advance, the new package system is awesome, CIFS 
integration, ACL and all ...more power to it however, it has to spread on X86 
architecture too and the sooner, the more exposure, the better.

There are tones of small and not so small companies willing to take the plunge 
into (low cost/no cost) Linux solutions and not willing to spend on support! It 
is as crazy as it sounds.

In retrospect, yesterday's webcast reinforced a new fully and integrated stack 
(from disks to apps) for Sparc (Solaris) 
and Linux!

I wish Oracle sees OpenSolaris as a server and not only a desktop where you 
develop apps for Solaris!
Oracle is a big fan of Linux ... mentionned 2-3 times.
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