Not sure if this is related, though the theme packages were broken into a few smaller one recently to reduce the size on the liveCD.


On 30/01/2010 18:57, Jürgen Keil wrote:
E.g. on my b129 box a gnome-terminal process
is using 68 (!) shared libraries

     % pldd `pgrep -x gnome-terminal` | wc -l
On opensolaris b131, this has increased to 76
shared libraries.

% pmap -x `pgrep -x gnome-terminal` | grep cache | wc -l
b131: 71 "cache" files

pmap -x `pgrep -x gnome-terminal` | nawk '/cache/ {  i += $3; } END {print i}'
b131:  checking the SIZE instead of RSS shows that
b131 is using about 50M more virtual memory
because the  /usr/share/icons/nimbus/icon-theme.cache
file is mapped.  The nimbus icon-theme.cache
file is mapped into a lot of gnome processes, each
of them seems to have grown by at least 50M.

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