> However, I found that Xorg memory usage is still very high :
> 1446 root      448M  150M sleep   45    0   0:04:53 4.4% Xorg/3
> especially compared to the one on my home server,
> with basically  the same session apps running
> (including compiz, awn and conky) :
> 720 root       88M   58M sleep   59    0   1:01:32 0.1% Xorg/3
> Any idea where I could look further and what might be
> the cause (does it make any sense to blame the
> graphic adapter, or rather lack of it ?).

A big chunk of the memory size reported for Xorg
is usually the mapped frame buffer memory.  
I suspect the first card has e.g 256 mbyte of video 
memory, while the other card in the home server
is some old video card with e.g. 8 mbyte of video
memory.  The exact amount of video memory
found on each of the systems should be reported
somewhere in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.

Note that some cards use main system memory
as frame buffer memory (e.g. intel video, or 
nvidia cards with "turbo cache", ati cards with
"hypermemory", ...).  In that case it might make
sense to enter the bios setup and reduce the
amount of video memory assigned to the video
card, so that more memory remains usable
for the operating system.  

The other source of memory usage for Xorg is 
probably pixmaps / images that are displayed,
e.g. when you have lots of firefox tabs open.
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