> This question has been asked, discussed, and answered by several folks
> (myself included) in fairly exhaustive detail, a large number of times.
> Most recently, I think, LAST WEEK.
> Google - use it.

Big deal.  I say continue talking about anything you want to talk about.
It's a free country.  I am sure, just as you can find the answer to this
question on google, you can also find another answer saying precisely the
opposite on google.  And both will probably be in this mailing list.

At least, if you get an answer to your question here that you think is
non-sensical, you it's an interactive discussion, and you can ask for
clarification and/or challenge what somebody said.  (This message case and
point, and also the one I'm replying to case and point.)

Just because something is written somewhere, does not imply people should
stop talking about it, or repeating the process to reach the conclusion.

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