> > 
> > This question has been asked, discussed, and
> answered by several folks
> > (myself included) in fairly exhaustive detail, a
> large number of times.
> > Most recently, I think, LAST WEEK.
> > 
> > Google - use it.
> Big deal.  I say continue talking about anything you
> want to talk about.
> It's a free country.  I am sure, just as you can find
> the answer to this
> question on google, you can also find another answer
> saying precisely the
> opposite on google.  And both will probably be in
> this mailing list.
> At least, if you get an answer to your question here
> that you think is
> non-sensical, you it's an interactive discussion, and
> you can ask for
> clarification and/or challenge what somebody said.
>  (This message case and
> oint, and also the one I'm replying to case and
> point.)
> Just because something is written somewhere, does not
> imply people should
> stop talking about it, or repeating the process to
> reach the conclusion.

Considering that a question takes time from anyone who even reads it,
let alone answers it, I think it's a courtesy for the questioner to make a
reasonable effort to see if it's already been answered.

A google for "what is opensolaris" actually finds pretty good hits for the 
first two:
the wikipedia page for OpenSolaris, and the "official" OpenSolaris FAQ.

(That takes nothing away from the notion that it's the responsibility of the 
to determine for themselves whether what they read makes any sense to them, and
not to take it for granted that it's accurate.)

It's probably pointless to expect people to stop asking repetitive questions.  
But I
think it might help to simply answer then with a URL to an official FAQ, 
possible.  That would hopefully both result in consistent answers, and also 
some incentive to keep the FAQ up-to-date.

charter member, SPCDH   (society for the prevention of cruelty to dead horses)
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