> As stated many times: All older systems are eligible to get a support
> contract, as long as they have an entitlement. Support comes directly from
> Oracle. But, yes, no security updates without a contract. Still, I have NO
> insight, into how Oracle handled or handles Universities, so, yes, I assume,
> you need to talk to an Oracle/Sun Service Sales Rep. The 8% are NOT on the
> list price...

At this university, we have finally gotten support price quotes back
on our older systems.  On systems which used to have Gold, Silver,
or Bronze coverage (sw+hw combined), our prices for the new Premium
Support for Systems are significantly lower than the old Sun pricing.

Unfortunately, the software-only Premium Support for OS's is of course
no longer free like we were used to.  It's also unfortunately significantly
higher than what we pay for RHEL subscriptions, or for Windows.

It is also unfortunate that there is no hardware-only support option,
for those of our customers who run Windows or RHEL on Sun gear.  They
will be required to pay for Premium Support for Systems, if they want
some kind of hardware coverage.

Just off the top of my head, probably about 10% of our customers will
save money over what they were paying before, and the remaining 90%
will either have to pay more, go without support altogether, or switch
to a cheaper alternative than Oracle.



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