On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Matthew Nawrocki <
matthew.nawro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I listened in to most of the call and it seems that, more likely than
> not, that the OGB is going to dissolve. My festering question is as
> follows... if and when we turn the so-called steering wheel over to Oracle
> for the community... what exactly will entail? Does this mean that we lose
> control or what?
The OpenSolaris Community was chartered to foster a development partnership
between Sun and a community of operating system developers around the core
components of Solaris.  Along the way, other partnerships and communities
came into being around other parts of the ecosystem (user groups, desktop,
sourcejuicer, distros, etc), and were included under the OpenSolaris
umbrella.  Unfortunately, circumstances and desires changed within
Sun/Oracle; their protracted and across the board silence about all things
OpenSolaris has made it impossible to continue as an external development
community associated with Solaris, as expressed in our Charter.

There are two perspectives here, a practical one and a legalese one.

As Alan said, from a practical POV, nothing changes:  Oracle isn't playing
with the community *now*.  Without a partner for the OGB to dance with, the
OGB can't actually do anything.  While we have a bully pulpit, we can't
actually force Oracle's employees to update our community website to support
our constitution, to be active and vocal community members or to even
provide schedule and content information concerning the distro that bears
our name.  Ben and others are very concerned that this action *might*
provoke Oracle to shut down the community completely and cut off even the
meager flow of code that trickles out today.

>From a legalese POV, dissolving the OGB triggers a community reset back to
*1.3.5 Board Dissolution*

If the Board membership falls below three, more than 14 months pass between
Annual Elections or if the Electorate passes a motion of no confidence in
the Board as a whole, then custody of the OpenSolaris community will
temporarily revert to Sun Microsystems, which shall, at its sole discretion,
appoint to the OGB additional natural persons sufficient in number to
increase the OGB's membership to three. Those appointees shall serve only
until a Special Election to elect a new Board can be held; their appointed
term of office shall expire after 45 days, by which point a Board elected at
a Special Election will have taken over.
Dissolution will force Oracle to make some sort of public decision - to
either reconstitute the community under the current Charter or to disband it
and do something else.  If it does something else, it will need a different
charter - and a different set of leaders.  If Oracle continues its silence
and does nothing, then at least the 7 of us on the OGB get part of our lives
back.  Neither of these options are desirable, though.  The OGB's hope is
that Oracle will see this as a wake-up call to actively support an open
development community tied to Solaris, and start interacting again BEFORE we
dissolve.  We (as private individuals) are passionately committed to an open
Solaris development community, and see this as the only remaining tool we
(as an OGB) have to break the logjam of indecision and silence that is
killing our community.   In the best of all worlds, our dance partner will
show up, and we will end the evening in each others arms, having forgotten
the missteps and awkward moments that troubled us when the music started.*

[*] Please don't take this analogy too far :-)
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