On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Mark Martin <storycraf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I submit to you that just as important, if not MORE important, is to
> wean the "community" off of Oracle's infrastructure and process.

Not just that, but weaning the community off its dependency on
the distribution that happens to confusingly share the community's
name but is really a closed venture over which we have no influence.

>   This is what the OGB _could_ be
> doing.  An Ubuntu model (or Centos) or some variation on that is what
> I'm suggesting.

Great idea. Not what the current OGB, as the OGB, is chartered to do.
The OGB would really have to quit the current system and reform in
some other guise, or a new body would have to take this on.

> Create a website and forums to allow the community to reorganize
> itself without the shadow of a hollow and unsupported charter.

So the OGB would have to violate its own rules and act contrary to
what we were elected for. Again, the OGB would really have to quit
the current system and reform in some other guise, or new people
could start afresh.

For all this, anybody could have done it over the past 5 years or
so. Anybody still can.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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