On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Peter Tribble <peter.trib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Mark Martin <storycraf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Create a website and forums to allow the community to reorganize
>> itself without the shadow of a hollow and unsupported charter.
> So the OGB would have to violate its own rules and act contrary to
> what we were elected for. Again, the OGB would really have to quit
> the current system and reform in some other guise, or new people
> could start afresh.

True, that.  Maybe if someone crafted some new articles of
incorporation (maybe following August 16th's regrettable, but
seemingly inevitable outcome) we could take the existing bewildered
community and start working again towards common goals.  I don't see
why such a community couldn't also adopt most or all of the existing
constitution modulo any parts dealing with transfer "back" to
Sun/Oracle.  The OGB can "shoot itself" in the head, and from the same
corpus (the community) could spring a new head.

> For all this, anybody could have done it over the past 5 years or
> so. Anybody still can.

Pending the outcome of mid August, I'd be interested in lending
whatever support I could to such an endeavor.  Maybe sooner -- even if
the bar is met, and Oracle _does_ appoint a liaison, I'm not sure
that's really enough.  There are many other things going on that point
toward the inevitable breakup of Oracle and community.  I suspect I
speak for many, if not most, when I say that I think the success of a
true "Open" OpenSolaris rests with a separate, self-sufficient,
community.  Distinct and separate from Oracle, but sharing many common
goals (chief among them the continued success of OpenSolaris).
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