On 08/16/10 09:55 AM, Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:
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On 8/16/2010 10:34 AM, Paul Gress wrote:
On 08/16/10 03:36 AM, Nikola M. wrote:
On 08/14/10 03:41 PM, Orvar Korvar wrote:
All source code will be available after binary update of Solaris 11
Express have been released. Then Illumos will have a chance to catch
up and synchronize. As FreeBSD.
I would like it to be that way, but..
..they clearly indicate that code releases will happen Only after
"full releases of our enterprise Solaris " that means Solaris 11, NOT
Solaris Express, that is only in binary form.
If releases will follow Solaris Express releases, that would be
preferable and allow of open source user and developer community to
spread (and contribute), beside closed Solaris users crowd.

they own the code, they are not bound by CDDL

Not unless they fork the code and change the license. They are bound by CDDL until that happens.

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