Why is the console interface left so primitive?.
  Seems it would at
least have a usable mouse so one could have some chance of copy paste
when there are what appear to be important messages written to

This is only a problem, of course if you cannot manage a gui boot for
whatever reason, you are fairly dim witted and not very knowledgeable
about where to find the problems enumerated in the console messages,
or the solaris logging, error tracking etc scheme.

I have messages on my console that came following a complete power
failure and reboot, I'm told to use fmdump to find information from
the `EVENT-ID' but of course those IDs have scrolled past the visible
console screen.

I see no way to dump the screen or copy in any way the messages now
scrolled past... further even the ones still visible would require
taking them down in longhand and moving to a different machine to
relog in via ssh or such.  Seems ridiculous on the face of it to have
such a primitive console in 2010.

And finally there is one helpful bit in the messages that tells me to
find more info at:


  That gets me redirected to:


Which appears to be pretty useless for finding what these messages
might mean.  And is apparently some mess done by the new oracle crew. 

It seems these console messages would at least conclude with a final
line telling user where to find the messages that have been written to

Well, yeah I suppose I'm supposed to know that already but to my mind
the logging and error records are quite complicated on solaris, or at
least it seems so given my linux background.

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