On Tue, 26 Oct 2010 17:14:24 -0500
Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:

> Why is the console interface left so primitive?.
>   Seems it would at
> least have a usable mouse so one could have some chance of copy paste
> when there are what appear to be important messages written to
> console.
> (stuff deleted)
Hi Harry,

I'm not sure if you were venting or asking a question, and if you were
asking a question I may or may not have a good answer for you. But I also
have somewhat of a linux background. I think that Osol also has a dmesg
file like linux does, but I'm not positive. (That's where boot-up messages
would go, just type dmesg in a terminal.) Otherwise, general system log
messages in osol go in /var/adm/messages (as opposed to /var/log/messages
in linux). Or poke around in /var and/or /var/adm to see if there are any
other interesting log files... I found the /var/adm location by poking
around because I knew there had to be some system log files around
somewhere. Then you can open the log file in your favorite text editor
(gui or vi or whichever....)


Cia W
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