The problem with using script count, is that one script can be as laggy as 10 or even 100 scripts. It may be more likely that 100 scripts in an object is laggier, but one script could potentially be as laggy or more so.

I think this would be my user story:

As a user and a region owner / estate manager I would like the ability throttle residents' scripted attachments and unattached scripted objects when they are within my region. Currently we only have the ability to turn off scripts, but throttle scripted objects so as to limit the amount of "time" a scripted object can act within a given cycle.

One potential issue I see to being allowed to set a script limit to unattached objects is that some designers may then try to build multiple objects that communicate together in order to try and work around the region's set script limits.

- Obsidian Stormwind

On 9/29/2010 6:27 PM, miss c wrote:
We all know about the amount of lag on avatars, some are from resizing scripts some are from excessive calls, sensors, some are from chat listeners that have to filter out ever single bit of chat in a region. Most avatars do not even realize they have purchased something causing issues.

I think "scanning" an avatar before it goes to a teleport destination to see if that amount of script usage is allowed on that region isn't fixing a problem, and leaves someone that doesnt know any better at a loss. I also believe that limiting the amount of scripts in one object is a little more doable, but some functions are at idle in scripts.

I think the best method that goes with Linden Labs philosophy of be and do what you want to do, would just be to give better monitoring tools to Estate owners, they pay those server bills they should have some better tools. Whether its a script count, usage, calls to the server, or just be able to open up a server window to see what is going WITH a must have uuid and location its coming from. I would be happy with a debug server window that does this. This isn't an unreasonable request to give me more tools, I am not hard to please, what is unreasonable is that I pay out the wazoo and anyone can come crash my region if they wanted to. They can lag it up galore just for giggles and I cant do anything about it, they can do this daily , everyday several times a day, and I have to be the victim of it.

As I said before, most don't even know they are doing this because it's in an item they purchased, so this is where the ***SCRIPT COUNTER*** comes in handy. We make the announcement for everyone to script count yourself and your neighbors , everyone does using the forks off of Emerald, and the region gets better. It isn't the solution for everything, but it helps when excessive scripts is the cause. I am not going to give you a full on user story because I feel like that gives you reason to place this in a faraway request. This works now in other viewers, it can work in yours too :-)

*From:* Joshua Bell <>
*To:* miss c <>
*Sent:* Wed, September 29, 2010 6:45:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: [opensource-dev] 2.0 Absolute Dealbreaker - script count feature request

Taking a stab at a user story:

As a land owner, I want to ensure that sim performance is not negatively impacted by particular avatars with lots of scripts, so that all users of the sim have a good experience.

That abstracts away the mechanism... which suggests to me that approaches like dynamic per-avatar caps on script cycles might be a better approach to pursue than specific functions that enable monitoring. But I'm probably over-abstracting the desire and it would encode the policy in the sim, rather than letting land owners self-manage. Can we craft a better user story to capture the true need?

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:09 PM, miss c < <>> wrote:

    Let me reword that last part.  I should be able to locate a person
    using excessive amounts of resources on my sim.  I also should be
    able to stop random people on alts setting out to grief secretly
    with the overuse of scripts.

    *From:* miss c < <>>
    *To:* Zi Ree < <>>;
    *Sent:* Wed, September 29, 2010 5:45:25 PM

    *Subject:* Re: [opensource-dev] 2.0 Absolute Dealbreaker - script
    count feature request

    This is a tough one because it does leave a lot of guess work, but
    still could be added to my list of tools I use to guess with.  I
    will totally take it if it's being offered, I just pray this inst
    the foundation the future tools will be built off of.  And about
    the whole banning, my regions private, just open to the public, if
    I want to ban anyone coming in my sim wearing pink, I can.  I hope
    thats not why tools are being kept from us, is because the
    Linden's are afraid we will make unintelligent bans.  I pay a lot
    of money out I should be able to do what I want with it within the
    ToS, I should be given the tools to at least keep random newbs
    from secretly crashing my sim.

    *From:* Zi Ree < <>>
    *Sent:* Wed, September 29, 2010 5:28:07 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [opensource-dev] 2.0 Absolute Dealbreaker - script
    count feature request

    > Do you want an incomplete yet helpful solution doable now, to be
    > improved/completed later on,
    > or do you prefer to wait another 6-12+ month with nothing at all?

    Since improvised and incomplete solutions tend to become the final
    one after a
    while, and since I have no issues with script memory whatsoever, I
    rather wait
    for a fully functional, complete implementation than seeing a
    temporary and
    useless "solution" in place.

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