"Ken Goldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Note that both the makefile and nmake.exe are MS proprietary.  You
> can't use standard makefiles with nmake, and you can't use the MS
> makefiles with a standard make.exe like gnu make.

But you can use a GNU makefile with MS tools like cl.exe. There is 
a program (or script?) that translates a gcc cmd-line to a cl cmd-line, 
so a GNU makefile should work with little or no changes. 

The name and location of this package escapes we now, but the OP
could try Googling for it.

BTW. why do you call it "standard makefiles"? GNU make is 
probably the most proprietary and incompatible make program ever
made. MS' nmake at least has many extensions in common with 
Borland, Digital Mars and Watcom's makes.


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