> I got the the correct certificate chain from my Windows 7 box. Microsoft
> tends to update its trusted CA certificates store more quickly and regularly
> than Mozilla or Linux distros: the latest update was last month on March
> 23rd 2011.
> It is sad that even Network Solutions guys are not aware of this
> update...This issue should not have existed at the first place!
> Good luck,
> I really can't thank you enough. I wouldn't have known how to follow the
chain and find which files were needed to build up their intermediate
certificate chain (though thanks to your notes, I do now).

I still can't believe how badly Network Solutions screwed this situation up
and the extremely poor level of support I received from them. They should
have been able to figure out I was using the wrong chain files -- they
supposedly ran scripts on my ssl certificate when I called them.

Hope someone else can benefit from being aware of this issue. Thanks for all
your help guys!

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