Op maandag 26 november 2018 15:53:38 CET schreef Freek de Kruijf:
> Op maandag 26 november 2018 13:08:36 CET schreef Freek de Kruijf:
> > Op zondag 25 november 2018 22:53:41 CET schreef Andreas Färber:
> > > > My suggestion to you Freek would be to join us in IRC on Freenode's
> > > > #opensuse-arm channel and we'll try to figure this out together.
> > 
> > I downloaded the Upstream Pine64 image, did put it on a 16 GB micro-SD,
> > and
> > started the Banana Pi M64 with it. It did boot, which I followed on the
> > serial console, USB-TTL serial cable. However the Ethernet device did not
> > come up. I did a reboot and now the Ethernet device comes up and gets
> > addresses. Also zypper ref works.
> > I inspected repository Factory-Contrib-Pine64 and u-boot-pine64plus is
> > installed. There I also found u-boot-bananapim64, should that one be
> > installed?
> > Also journalctl gives only lines of 80 characters and 40 lines. I
> > installed
> > xterm and used resize to give the command "COLUMNS=132;LINES=41;export
> > COLUMNS LINES;", which solved that problem. Pleased with the results so
> > far.
> > 
> > Using IRC would be my first time. Will search how to use it.
> So far I failed to use IRC. Nickname is freek. Tried also using the
> Because the installed openssh-7.8p1-1.1 does not allow ssh access I replaced
> it by openssh-7.9p1-198.1, which I found somewhere on OBS.
> I also did a "zypper dup --no-r" which replaced kernel-default from 4.19.2-1
> to 4.18.15-1. Symbolic links in /boot all point to these new files. However
> "uname -a" still shows "4.19.2-1-default". Anyway it works and it uses the
> same aarch64 repository as for the Raspberry Pi 3B except for the u-boot...
> package.

Problem with 4.19.2 being booted is solved. It was and still is the preferred 
system in grub. I changed the preferred system to 4.18.15 using yast -> 
bootloader, however 4.19.2 is still the one that is booted by default. I have 
to select 4.18.15 in the Advanced setting in the grub screen to get this 
Still a problem with starting the system to get an Ethernet connection. 
Sometimes it works, mostly not. Need to "shutdown -r now" from the serial 
console to get eth0 up with the requested IP addresses.
I search for this problem and found a solution to reload the driver, here 
dwmac_sun8i, with modprobe, but that did not work. Just need to do a reboot 
until the eth0 device comes up.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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