
Am Samstag, 25. November 2006 21:18 schrieb Robby (M9.):
> gpgkeys: key 5F9FD7E57E8BA438 not found on keyserver

BTW: Your GPG key still isn't available on the keyservers :-(

> I can not believe, that i am the only one, who thinks, that the
> available partitioners do not work.
> If you do not use LVM, you can not use it to make changes
> afterwards.. 


> If you use LVM, you can not make changes afterwards... 

Huh? (I don't use LVM, but I would be _very_ surprised if this was 

> If you use the partitioner from yast, which i do, you are not able to
> throw away, and recreate partitions, 

This _is_ possible - and I did this (on a 10.1 system) successfully.

> simply because you can not see what you are doing.

Hmm, I had no problems - maybe you should provide more details (and/or 
upload some screenshots somewhere ;-)

> You can only make partitions smaller, not move or 
> resize a usable way.. it is not praktical to count all the cylinders,
> because than a simple transaction takes few hours, you have to
> calculate everything....

Again: I don't really understand your problems, please provide more 
details and/or screenshots.

> Everybody who uses them, knows that it is true what i am saying,
> because it is.

Never say that you are "everybody" ;-)


Christian Boltz
> Und was lest ihr Jungs auf dem Klo???
> Die c't haelt da ca. die 2 Wochen bis zur naechsten Ausgabe ;)
Du verstehst das falsch... was du suchst ist die Zeitschrift
"Klopapier/Ausgabe: 3-lagig"... :-)
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