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Christian Boltz schreef:
> Hello,
> Am Samstag, 25. November 2006 21:18 schrieb Robby (M9.):
>> gpgkeys: key 5F9FD7E57E8BA438 not found on keyserver

Something wrong about the key, the one i sent you, is the one i use
(look at the header)
> BTW: Your GPG key still isn't available on the keyservers :-(
>> I can not believe, that i am the only one, who thinks, that the
>> available partitioners do not work.
>> If you do not use LVM, you can not use it to make changes
>> afterwards..
> Huh?

Exactly my reaktion, and than: shit.

>> If you use LVM, you can not make changes afterwards...
> Huh? (I don't use LVM, but I would be _very_ surprised if this was
> true.)

Maybe try it, and see.
>> If you use the partitioner from yast, which i do, you are not able to
>> throw away, and recreate partitions,
> This _is_ possible - and I did this (on a 10.1 system) successfully.

This is not what i mean:
suppose you have 8 partitions: /boot, /root, /usr, /opt, /var, swap,
/home and /shared.
Now you want to make changes to 5 of them.
You will have to trow them away, to recreate them, there is, as far as i
know, no other way.
Simply because if you want more room in one, it goes by the cost  of the
next one.
How will you be able to make these changes and keep 3 of them, without
counting the cylinders?
I do not know...
>> simply because you can not see what you are doing.
> Hmm, I had no problems - maybe you should provide more details (and/or
> upload some screenshots somewhere ;-)

If you can throw everything away, certainly, there is no problem at all..
If you do not want to throw away your settings, and all the files you
want to keep, you will have to save them somewhere else, or burn them.

There is also no problem, if you want to keep your partitions the same
size, and only want to format them.
This is my workaround.

I do not know if you have ever used Partition Magic?
That would make my story more clear...
Sometimes, after experimenting with sizes, you learn, that sizes better
can be adjusted, to get the room, wherever it is realy needed.
Especialy when the OS builds realy change, it is nessesary to adjust the
partitions to the correct size.
(the why is that the machine is much faster if the systems searchtime is
shortened. (You can keep drivers and nessesary .exes (windows)And is
much easier to clean. I noticed that after using no partitions.)
Not to use seperate partitions is out of the question, for me

Partition Magic, from powerquest, is also thirthparty sw for windows.
Can be used to: resize, move, delete, create partitions, on a visual basis.
It counts the transactions, and processes them before starting up,
when nothing is in use.
It moves the data, resizes and renames, and that is it.
Never had a problem with it.

This can be done in SuSE now also, as we now can boot into the wanted
OS, before shutting down.
>> You can only make partitions smaller, not move or
>> resize a usable way.. it is not praktical to count all the cylinders,
>> because than a simple transaction takes few hours, you have to
>> calculate everything....

> Again: I don't really understand your problems, please provide more
> details and/or screenshots.

The screenshots, will follow, if you do not understand what i mean.

>> Everybody who uses them, knows that it is true what i am saying,
>> because it is.
> Never say that you are "everybody" ;-)

I did not say that i am everybody..read the sentense again.

> Regards,
> Christian Boltz
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