You must do this with care.

My question is why. You could do this with care, and waste man-hours
doing a silly thing that will result in no benefit, or we could go
work in other stuff, right? Make things easier? The people who should
be messing with that in a root shell should know what they should run.

How they know the should run ifconfig? Because they LEARNED that.
Thats the same reason that they should LEARN that some commands are
available only to root. Same they learn there's a linux way of doing

People think "permission denied" and "command not found" are
apocalyptic errors. They dont see that as an informative message.
Which will happen if this insane thing goes on. But thats not even the
point. Why adding so many entropy in something that has so little
(zero) result. It wont any gain in the results. It will make us drift
from the FHS, confuse users, confuse developers, confuse people
learning linux on suse, confuse people learning linux in another
distro and wanting to use suse. Why? This will produce only entropy
and confusion.

I need to remind the beginning of this discussion, which was because
two people though it was too complicated to run "ip a", which is the
way to do the damn task of checking interface infos.  So instead of
doing the right thing, you people want to invert the rotation of earth
because you cant type "ip a". Why?

We do things this way its been a long time, and why only now we in
this topic are the first human beings in the surface of earth that
though of that? So the other people, including the ones who did FHS
are a bunch of stupid clowns?

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