
Haven't seen it discussed yet on the list, and I just try to install my first 
Alpha1 (after having it on the other computer upgraded to Factory since 10.2).

In the Software selection Dialog, I hope the selection: 'Open and modify 
documents from my mother' is meant as a joke for an alpha installer, right?

- It does not say anything of what it actually means (probably OpenOffice and 
the like).
- If it's a young kid that wants to read the files of his mum, he most likely 
anyhow is the one that helps his mum, and the one with more knowledge.
- If MUM is installing it, she will more likely worry to open files of her 
kids; at a certain age, mums just are no longer.

I feel this sentence a little bit insulting during an installation.

What are other people's opinion about this?


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