Karl Eichwalder napsal(a):
> Do it graphically--I hope this is confusing enough ;)
>                     +-----------+-------------+----------+
>                     | GNOME Desktop        KDE Desktop   |
>                +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>                +    |         . |   -------   | .        |     +
>                +    |         . | -/       \- | .        |     +
>                +    |         . |/ Minimal   \| .        |     +
>                +    |         . || Installa- || .        |     +
>                +    |         . |\ tion      /| .        |     +
>                +    |         . | -\       /- | .        |     +
>                +    |         . |   -------   | .        |     +
>                +    |         . |             | .        |     +
>                + Server Installation++++++Server Installation  +
>                +    |         . |             | .        |     +
>                +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>                     |         . |             | .        |
>                     |         . |             | .        |
>                     +---------.-+-------------+-.--------+
>                               .                 .
>                               .  XFCE Desktop   .
>                               ...................

Understandable but not very-well visible :)
Next time you might want to use a Sand-Art technique ;)




Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer                     (xn--luk-gla45d)
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o., Lihovarska 1060/12, Praha 9, Czech Republic

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