
on Donnerstag, 30. September 2010, Frank Sundermeyer wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:54:30 +0200 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > That is actually a pretty good point. If our Wiki is good enough in
> > terms of content, we can try and figure out how to automate
> > creating a book. 

> I completely disagree. You are proposing to create documentation in a
> completely unstructured format and then writing parsers attempting to
> create an exchangeable format.

See my mail some minutes ago - I think it is possible and not too hard.

> It is re-inventing the wheel by starting with a rectangle.

Well, a pair of angle brackets in XML already looks like a rectangle - 
and not really like a circle *SCNR*   [1]

> We already have all the style-sheets for XML to provide the formats
>  we need (including wiki text).

The problem is not "wiki text output" - that's easy.

The problem is "merge changes in the wiki back".


Christian Boltz

[1] this side blow already was worth the mail *eg*

[Evolution - Message-ID] Oh ja... Apropos: die libcamel (die fuer
diesen Muell verantwortlich ist) ist, aehm. "interessant" zu lesen...
Und NEIN! Ich habe keine Lust, den Muell zu fixen. Es sei denn, man
zahlt mir Schmerzensgeld. [David Haller in suse-linux]
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