On Friday, January 07, 2011 05:41:23 am Kim Leyendecker wrote:
> In general I ask me why we can´t do something like videos that explains
> how you can use openSUSE. 

1) Hands to do the job.
2) Knowledge of movie (film) production.
Any movie has a plan how to make it and part of it is in heads of producers, 
and the other part is script. I compare that to mechanical part production, 
there is a schematic for each part, there are instructions how to assembly 
one, but neither of them is so detailed that someone without trade can do 
anything with them. 
3) Programs: 
3.1) For film montage (movie editors). 
All I tried are broken, or lack features. 
3.2) To take picture from the screen actions. 
RecordMyDesktop is not in active development, so it will work as long as some 
dependency doesn't introduce incompatibility.

> I mean, If you see it on a flyer, you maybe
> understand this way, but you don´t _see_ how it´s done. You see some
> pictures, but in a video, you can really _see_ how things happens.

Fliers are just one of methods to introduce subject and they can't be sized as 
some book called The User Manual. It is possible to tell a lot in one flier, 
and using images is a must, but they are not educational, they have to be 
pretty to attract reader to ask for more. 

> Maybe we can make a Youtube-channel for this things and can do a page
> called "openSUSE (or Linux) for newbies" like kernelnewbies.org or
> something like this.

There is openSUSE channel on YouTube.

Creating one newbie site is fine, but again there is the same problem as with 
movies (films), we lack hands and expertise to create one. 

Take, for instance, http://en.opensuse.org .
It is boring, largely text wiki. 
No images. 
Not that we don't like to have some, but someone has to take them, prepare 
them to be useful within educational text. 

First highlight items that are mentioned in text, enumerate those highlights 
so that is easy to find them and relate to descriptions in text, or better 
create slides that one can move forth and back as needed. For slides we need 
plugin (MediaWiki calls them extensions) that will allow image presentation. 
There are some, but for some reason not installed (I don't remember what was 
the reason not to have one, incompatibility with used MediaWiki version, or 
that extension used too much of server resources). 

Also, we don't have guide lines how to highlight text.
Which method to use: circle area, change brightness of the area, change color 
What color and font to use for enumeration, where to place numbers.

I think that is worth to mention, that there is lack of understanding how 
important are images. 
In the world of openSUSE majority that decide about layout are software 
developers, or developers like, people. They are fine with text as programs 
are texts, and they are talented and trained to read large texts without 
problems, memorizing on the fly symbols, objects, methods and their relations. 
Majority of them can't understand why other people can't do the same, or they, 
outright, hate pictures as distraction in text. 

I remember one removing nice pictures from text, with comment "No nice 
pistures". I guess the guy that added them is now somewhere else adding his 
nice pictures to some other project that doesn't show repulsiveness to 

> thanks
> kdl

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