Am 07.01.2011 17:27, schrieb Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr):
> From my short experience, when I install openSUSE to a friend's
> computer and he/she faces a problem, he/she will call me and not ask
> the question to the list or forum, even if he/she is interested in
> computers and is an average user. I'm 100% sure that he/she will call
> me and ask me: "Stathis, I have a problem...".
> Regarding the school focusing, Mr Stallman told us that when we go to
> schools to promote FOSS the reply is "but the kids will use windows at
> their jobs, so we don't need FOSS" and when we promote FOSS to
> companies they reply "but the kids in school are taught in windows. We
> need money to re-educate them on FOSS".
To first: Yes, I know these problemes. Always there´s a problem with a
computer in my family (they all using Windows, so they _are_ problems)
they call me. Sometimes I came with a openSUSE 11.2 GNOME live-CD and
saved somethings.
But if I say, that Linux is the optimal OS, they just laugh at me and
say, that Windows is much better (they don´t show any arguments pro
Windows, they just say: no. I don´t wanna Linux).

To second: I know a school right here, that using Linux. First, the
Heinrich-Böll-Gymnasium here, that uses Debian, and the Gymnasium zum
Altenforst, that uses Linux for software-changes and administration stuff.

So, I think open source is always there and the companies will

But for education, we have edu-l-i-f-e, or not?


Kim Leyendecker (
openSUSE Ambassador
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This mail was composed under Linux
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