>>> On 5/13/2011 at 12:10 PM, in message <4dcd7407.8080...@gmail.com>, Roger
Luedecke <roger.luede...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> I think it might be a good move if training and certification were 
> offered free to Ambassadors. Something like the Certified Linux 
> Administrator. I think it would be a huge boon to assuring competent and 
> helpful community. Thoughts? Can we harass Novell about this idea?


I'm intrigued with this idea. I think that offering something like this to our 
Ambassadors is a great idea, and ask for your help to make this idea feasible. 

Here's my concern.
Since the process to become an Ambassador is very simple [1], we don't want 
people signing up as Ambassadors simply as a free mechanism to get their CLA.  
This would create work, clutter and noise to our community.  People would sign 
up and then we would never hear from them again.  It would also create extra 
expense (as in real $) to our community and/or SUSE as a sponsor;  money 
expended without benefit to our community. 

Help me come up with a workable proposal. How can we offer this to "real" 
Ambassadors and filter out those who would just abuse the benefit?
As you pointed out " it would be a huge boon to assuring competent and helpful 
community", it would be a great incentive to become an Ambassador and a great 
personal benefit to the Ambassador (aka resume item).

Also by the way thanks for being willing to post the idea.


[1] http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors#How_do_I_join.3F

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