On Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:49:52 AM you wrote:
> Hi,
> My proposal is,, to be an ambassador primary requirement should be CLP.
> Otherwise no point of been ambassadors for the SUSE.
> Then only novell will be able to give something free for them...
> Note: Some people just want to add their name to the ambassadors list only.
> :-(
> ---
> ජයවේවා! (Cheers!)
> Widyachacra Rajapaksha.
> If you're respectful by habit,
> constantly honoring the worthy,
> four things increase:
> long life, beauty,
> happiness, strength.
> - The Buddha (Dhammapada)
> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Jos Poortvliet 
> > On Friday 20 May 2011 19:07:59 Alan Clark wrote:
> > > >>> On 5/13/2011 at 12:10 PM, in message 
> > > >>> Roger
> > > 
> > > Luedecke <roger.luede...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I think it might be a good move if training and certification were
> > > > offered free to Ambassadors. Something like the Certified Linux
> > > > Administrator. I think it would be a huge boon to assuring competent
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > > > helpful community. Thoughts? Can we harass Novell about this idea?
> > > 
> > > Roger,
> > > 
> > > I'm intrigued with this idea. I think that offering something like this
> > 
> > to
> > 
> > > our Ambassadors is a great idea, and ask for your help to make this
> > > idea feasible.
> > > 
> > > Here's my concern.
> > > Since the process to become an Ambassador is very simple [1], we don't
> > 
> > want
> > 
> > > people signing up as Ambassadors simply as a free mechanism to get
> > > their CLA.  This would create work, clutter and noise to our
> > > community.  People would sign up and then we would never hear from
> > > them again.  It would
> > 
> > also
> > 
> > > create extra expense (as in real $) to our community and/or SUSE as a
> > > sponsor;  money expended without benefit to our community.
> > 
> > We already have (or at least, had) people sign up as ambassador and not
> > doing
> > anything, so yes, there is a real concern. Moreover, CLA is not useful
> > for everyone. Last but not least, the last thing in the world I want is
> > to tell some ambassadors "you're doing enough work" and others "you're
> > not doing enough".
> > 
> > > Help me come up with a workable proposal. How can we offer this to
> > > "real" Ambassadors and filter out those who would just abuse the
> > > benefit?
> > > 
> > > As you pointed out " it would be a huge boon to assuring competent and
> > > helpful community", it would be a great incentive to become an
> > > Ambassador and a great personal benefit to the Ambassador (aka resume
> > > item).
> > 
> > Agreed, it has real benefits.
> > 
> > JDD's idea to give a limited number of most active ambassadors the exam
> > makes
> > a lot of sense. As Kim noted, it would be very hard to pick the top 10
> > active
> > ambassadors, so I propose to use a different way of picking people:
> > - we define a minimum-criterium like "must have been ambassador for 3
> > months
> > and gone to at least 3 events and send in a report from at least 2 of
> > those"
> > kinf of thing
> > - then anyone who fits the criteria can sign in on a lottery and the
> > lucky 10
> > winners get their exam...
> > 
> > That way, we ensure we don't have people who just join as ambassador for
> > this
> > program; but we don't have to do the complex ranking of 'most active
> > ambassadors'. And we make sure only people who are interested get the
> > exam.
> > 
> > How feasible is this:
> > You can probably build a way of 'subscribing to the lottery' on connect;
> > you
> > can simply only check the winners, see if they fit the criteria. If one
> > of them doesn't, pick another person from the pool. That way, you only
> > have to check a limited number of people.
> > 
> > 
> > To do this, we need to do a few things:
> > 
> > * figure out how feasible this is from SUSE's perspective: how expensive
> > is it? Can it be done online? etc. I hope Alan can tell us that.
> > 
> > * Then we need to come up with a reasonable list of criteria. It is a
> > real bikeshedding thing and we can discuss such a list for ages so I'm
> > inclined to
> > simply call AJ, talk 10 minutes with him and decide on a list of
> > criteria...
> > But we can also ask for example Kim, JDD, chuck and Kostas to talk to
> > Alan and
> > the 5 of em come up with a good set of criteria. Don't start a list-wide
> > discussion as it'll never end. We already make me wonder sometimes how
> > incredibly successful our marketing would be if we wrote as much
> > marketing texts as we wrote emails but unfortunately we don't :(
> > 
> > * We need to ask the connect ppl if we can use connect for the lottery
> > thing.
> > 
> > * then simply make sure we have say 10 slots for CLA; tell the
> > ambassadors to
> > subscribe to the lotterly (if they fit the criteria); and do it.
> > 
> > > Also by the way thanks for being willing to post the idea.
> > > 
> > > Alan
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > [1] http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Ambassadors#How_do_I_join.3F
Assuming I understand you, thats a terrible idea. Ambassadors are not required 
to be technical gurus... though I think for those that are interested they 
should be enabled to become such in order to serve the community better.
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