On Sat, 2011-12-24 at 21:33 +0100, Sascha Manns wrote:
> Hello mates,
> Since a few years I'm holding the chair of the openSUSE Weekly News
> Team, and 
> it was a very interesting time. Also i've worked with a great team. 
> Sadly i must announce, that i give up my chair to the End of this
> year.
> My work for open-slx will be extended in the next year, and so i
> have'nt 
> enough time to contribute the Weekly News again.
> So we are searching a new chairman for this Subproject.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication week after week after week.
The success of OWN would not be possible without you and the rest of the
OWN team and it has been a very popular and valued contribution to the
openSUSE community.   While I hope to see future people continue in your
efforts to sustain a quality OWN publication, I am confident that the
legacy you have provided to the community will remain unmatched.  

Again, thank you for all your hard work and good luck in your future

Bryen M Yunashko

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