On 25.12.2011 05:55, Satoru Matsumoto wrote:
Thanks an awful lot for devoting ceaseless effort to openSUSE Weekly
News, Sascha.

I have to tell you, list mates, that I was asked by Sascha whether I can
take over the role of the chair of the openSUSE Weekly News Team before
he posted the mail to this list, but I couldn't take on the entire
burden of the role for now, at least under the current, too laborious
procedure of publishing OWN.

As you know,*Weekly*  News have to be published*every week*. So
contributors cannot take days off unless someone else will step into
their shoes. Considering the fact that there are only few contributors
for OWN, it will be too much burden for them.

I, like everyone else here, want to pick up and hand on the torch of
OWN. But that cannot be done only by me.

As some of you may know, I have my own job which is not dedicated to
FLOSS activities. I contribute openSUSE project just as a volunteer on
an individual basis. I spend over 10 hours every week for collecting
articles for OWN, proofreading it and translating it into Japanese. And
realistically speaking, this (10 hours +) is all I can do.

I myself have been concerned about the current situation of OWN - which
should be the main format, where is the best workspace for
collaborating, the relationship between openSUSE community and open-slx,
copyright issue, why native English speakers won't help much for editing
*English*  Weekly News ... all of these should be reconsidered and
improved. Yes, they should be, but I couldn't, because I couldn't
squeeze a few extra hours out of my day for that.

Maybe we need to make the current procedure of publishing OWN as simple
as possible so that anyone can take over the task in case the main
contributors are busy, or, break large tasks into smaller ones and
decentralize responsibilities, if we want to continue OWN. But for now,
I haven't got the best - or, at least, better - way yet.

Of course I WILL bear a part as much as I can do, but if there is no one
who will step forward to bear a part as well, OWN will burn out. Whether
we can continue OWN or not depends on the willingness of our community...

First I want to thank Sascha for the great job he did. Then I want to reply to your points.

Let´s go. Doing OWN is a big job, so there should be as many as possible people in the boat. Therefore, you might want to ask the boosters for help.

Then, you Saturu, as the new OWN team leader (I guess you will be the one, right?), should create a team around you. That should be your biggest priority since you haven´t got the time to it all on your own.

I guess asking the boosters would be the best choice,


Kim Leyendecker, openSUSE Wiki Team
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