On Monday, December 26, 2011 06:48:10 AM Bryen M Yunashko wrote:

> I too agree that Satoru would be a great new lead for OWN.  He's been
> committed to the quality of the production and has been there week after
> week.    But I suggest (at the risk of bikeshedding) that we consider
> the following:
> 1.  Break down the various tasks within OWN production 

Task as in:
1) collecting news (reporters) suitable for people that like to read a lot; 
the only sacrifice they will have to make is to report interesting discussions 
2) selecting news to be published (section or issue editor) - suitable  for 
people with talent to prioritize articles that are reported by (1);
3) taking care of layout (layout editors) - suitable for those that are able 
to read http://useit.com and apply advices as much as they relate to OWN
4) finding technical solutions for problems that (1) and (2) face (tech 
support) - suitable for people that have experience with software and want to 
listen all other 
5) finding artwork for OWN (art editors) - looking for art that looks good and 
can be published on OWN (licenses, appropriate content)

> 2.  Broadly within the News Team (or even more broadly within Marketing
> team), assess each task and see if we can make adjustments thus lowering
> the barrier for contributions. 

1) I would propose as a first task to cleanup current layout. 
Even in a pdf form that should preserve original layout it is not easy to read 
OWN. I can take on that, but I'm familiar with the wiki, so anything I can do 
will be there. 

2) Second, if wiki is selected as a base medium for OWN creation, I would 
propose to break single template page into sections. See 
to get idea how that will work. This will lower a chance to have collisions 
when saving edits. As there is already some solution with GCI pages it should 
not be a problem to apply that to OWN. 

3) We should consider alternative browsing methods and layouts to currently 
used whole OWN issue on one page. One alternative is multiple pages, with 
browsing aid as Previous, Next, Index, present on all pages. 

> 3.  Work in a more open manner (this is something I'm already seeing
> improvements in the past few weeks.)

I have feeling that since OWN left wiki there was no easy way to contribute, 
which left team without new contributors. 

> 4.  As popular as it has been to expect a weekly edition, perhaps we
> should look at ways to adjust the release schedule in order to reduce
> the time-commitment burden. 

I proposed some time ago to consider alternatives to having full blown issue 
every week, ie. keeping every section every week. Also, we must consider how 
to join effort between OWN and openSUSE Magazine. 

Regards, Rajko
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