Hello Bryen, hello mates,

Bryen M Yunashko wrote at Montag, 26. Dezember 2011, 06:48:10:
> On Sun, 2011-12-25 at 17:46 +0100, Kim Leyendecker wrote:
> There are several aspects to OWN that make it one of the more unique
> challenges within the Project.  The two that I see are 1)  Ability to
> get a group of people to each commit weekly to their duties, and 2) some
> technical obstacles some people have faced.
> For example, I pushed for more broader OWN proofreading and Sascha has
> done a great job of ensuring since then that more people are aware and
> can contribute to reviewing OWN before it gets formally published.  But,
> the review process itself wasn't that easy for a lot of people.   We
> could not directly edit without knowledge of HTML and having HTML
> editing software installed and going through a checkout process.  For
> the marketing team this was different than the standard
> "edit-as-you-see-it" we experienced in such tools as ietherpad.
> Of course, ietherpad would not have been a useful tool in OWN's case.
> And to be sure, while we have seen great commitments from the OWN team,
> the team itself has been rather small.  That was a huge burden on those
> few people, including Sascha and Satoru.
> I too agree that Satoru would be a great new lead for OWN.  He's been
> committed to the quality of the production and has been there week after
> week.    But I suggest (at the risk of bikeshedding) that we consider
> the following:
> 1.  Break down the various tasks within OWN production
> 2.  Broadly within the News Team (or even more broadly within Marketing
> team), assess each task and see if we can make adjustments thus lowering
> the barrier for contributions.
> 3.  Work in a more open manner (this is something I'm already seeing
> improvements in the past few weeks.)
> 4.  As popular as it has been to expect a weekly edition, perhaps we
> should look at ways to adjust the release schedule in order to reduce
> the time-commitment burden.

Yes, i'm agreeing in all points.
I've searched into our Wiki. The "old" Way to contribute and produce the OWN 
was through using our Wiki.
Under: http://en.opensuse.org/Template:Weekly_news_full is the latest Template 
for the Weekly News. Maybe we can use it again.
Other interesting stuff can be found in Portal:Weekly_news.

cu Sascha
Sincerly yours

Sascha Manns
Community &Support Agent
open-slx GmbH
http://www.open-slx.de (Business)
http://saigkill.homelinux.net (Private)
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