I could think of a couple of groups:
- computer enthousiasts and power users
- small business users
- developers (web, app, application)
- sysadmins (server, network, etc)

How would we move ahead and approach these more targeted?

I think this is a good topic for oSC and I'm pretty sure the board will address it there.

Thanks for the info. The data is a little old and I agree with Henne that the data and methodology used is questionable.

From a quick analysis on distrowatch, one could conclude openSUSE is steadily rising given its 12 months, 6 months and 3 months moving average. It's a solid 4th on that site, which would contradict Donnie Berkholz's story of the data. All trends show an up tick in popularity, but this is based off distrowatch's "light-hearted way of measuring the popularity of Linux distributions." Having a demographic info would really aid in nailing down our audience. Are there any measurement applications we use on our website to assess our web traffic?

Douglas DeMaio
Senior Consultant, openSUSE
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