houghi wrote:

> A scrollbar at the bottom. Seems to be gone now, Strange

I didn't change at all the width of the page, anyway

> Not one, many more

desagree. good info is little info, is not you get sunk

>> no. I report french speaking events - for the others, the
>> english page is there.
> And here I disagree. Why should a French speaking person not be interested
> in an event in an other language? Or a German speaking or whatever
> language.

why not also japanese events? if you don't undeerstand
english, why did you bother english meetings?

but of course the choice of events is not that simple, I'm
open to ideas - english front page is not always up to date.
linuxtag image, I was first to have one :-)

> Not automated, but better organized. You have one central language. To
> wich everything will be translated and from wich wich everything will be
> translated.

idealistic :-) - english will certainly be central, but
translators are not that a number :-(

> So if a Chinese person adds something on a chines page, we need to have a
> system in place that translates it to English, so that others can
> translate it from English to e.g. French.

if it's done, it's good, but nobody can have it if he don't
do it himself

> That is however the only way to keep all languages on the same level.
> Otherwise you will have one article that is great in French, another that
> is great in German and some pages that have people working on the same
> content next to eachother.

life is like this :-)

> So what can we do to make this possible or easier?
> I would love to get an email when somebody does a change on

same for me. This exists in mediawiki but seems disabled on

> Yes, and this goes for all languages, not only French. That is the reason
> changes to the frontpage should be uniform and not just done on one
> language.

you wont find linuxtag on others languages frontpages. I set
it up because linuxtag is near France and I ope some of our
readers could go.

> It shows how devided we are, whereas identical and only a translated
> frontpage will show a unified coherent front.

such thing, for now, only show how unable we are of doing
things - how many month front page discussion for nothing?

this is a problem.

just keep a mess because it's here is not an answer.

lokk and feel is a graphic chart, this must be kept



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