Hello, I am one who uses the language in so limited location.

 > I would love to get an email when somebody does a change on
http://en.opensuse.org/Making_a_DVD_from_CDs or on
http://de.opensuse.org/Erstellen_einer_DVD_aus_den_CDs or on
http://en.opensuse.org/JA-Making_a_DVD_from_CDs even though I can't read
that last one.

How about making a rule that:

One should edit at first the original(English) page if he would make a major change of the content.

We have yet not so many people to edit JA pages and we have, as is the case for Japanese, an implicit rule to make an exact translation of EN page without any modification(I assure JA-Making_a...is an exact one!). But if someone would make a drastic change only in JA page without noticing to anyone, it would be a serious problem. No one but Japanese could know if his description is right or wrong.


If my next reply is late, please excuse me! I live at night if you live in the daytime.

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