On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 12:41:32PM +1000, Peter Flodin wrote:
> I think the naming (in many areas) could have been done better by
> Novell and openSUSE.

Hear, hear !!
> The last thing you want is to have people confused about your product.
> It is mostly due to inconsistent naming and usage, and it must be
> fixed for future releases.
> 1. Why introduce a release version of "GM" when the roadmap calls it "Final"?

The Download page is a bit better now, but the naming is still strange. To
make it worse however, none of the two names are on

> 2. The label of "Evaluation Edition" is confusing. Is this version
> only good for "Evaluation"? Clearly not. And what does this sentence
> mean on the Novell site:  "Alternatively, download the Eval DVD ISO
> image. It includes an installable evaluation version that can be later
> upgraded to the complete product.". What exactly do I require to
> upgrade if I install this edition??

It is indeed unclear what makes this an evaluation and not a finisched
product. It says on the above mentioned page that it is not time limited.
So there must be something else that makes it different from the Retail

I just changed it to make t more clear that the retail has BOT the CD and
the DVD, not just either. Also added that a manual is included.

> 3. OSS - we have covered this before, but my own belief is that SUSE
> Linux OSS should be renamed to openSUSE Linux. And I am not the only
> one: http://www.opensuse.org/OpenSUSE_&_SUSE_Linux_confusion

Oh, please do, because people already talk about wther they should use
SUSE or openSUSE and they talk as if openSUSE is the distro, not just the
comunity. And that is also how I personally feel it. I am part of a
comunity that drives the openSUSE distro with a website openSUSE.org

So actually this posting is more of a <ME TOO> kind of posting to let you
know you are not alone in this strugle.

Quote correct   (NL) http://www.briachons.org/art/quote/
Zitiere richtig (DE) http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren
Quote correctly (EN) http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html

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