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Peter Flodin wrote:
> On 10/10/05, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Face it, SuSE's distribution is the best, and the people at the core of
>> the effort to produce that distribution do it as their day job and they
>> must be paid. It's up to us to produce the revenue stream that will
>> support their work.
> SUSE Linux is a home-user distribution, and I think Novell already
> have plans not to make their money selling SUSE Linux, but instead use
> it as a loss leader for keeping market share against Ubuntu, Fedora
> etc (and the obvious MS options).
> Users that use SUSE Linux are much more likely to use, prefer &
> recommend  Novell Linux Deskop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server etc.

That's most certainly part of their plan. The idea behind their recent openSUSE 
move is definately
to grow the community, which is more or less the only weak point for SUSE Linux 
because it is
smaller (and speaking of the packager side, *much* smaller) than with other 
distributions, although it definately has a lot of assets the others don't.

Nevertheless, SUSE Linux *does* generate a revenue stream for Novell.
To me, if you can afford it, support their work. That's all. I bought every 
single release since 5.0
because I care about the hard work of the SUSE staff to make this excellent 
system I use every
single day to get the job done (and have fun fiddling around with).

I really second what Randall wrote.
There are real people behind all this. And they need to be paid.

- --
  -o) Pascal Bleser     http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/
 _\_v The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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